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Why Create a Customized Event Website?

Standard online event management systems offer a stand-alone registration site where attendees are directed to go through the steps of their
registration and payment. These sites might have more or less visual
"dressing" such as a logo or color scheme to associate the event with
its host organization, but in general they follow a standard format
dictated by the service provider's infrastructure. For a small event,
especially hosted by an organization that doesn't already have its own
online presence and web identity, this format can work.

However if your organization is a large company or association with a robust online infrastructure and/or heavy virtual interaction withits audience, a separate event registration website can be cumbersome and confusing.
Imagine that your association or company website could have its own event site, embedded within its navigation bars, look-and-feel, andoverall visual identity. Visitors to the parent website would not lose
connectivity with their other online activities (reading
membership-based material, participating in discussions, etc.) as a
result of reading about the annual event and deciding to register for
A custom-branded website creates a seamless end-user experience without the choppiness of leaving the parent site to register and having to come back. It also makes viral marketing and online promotion easier, because the online registration is already embedded within the parent site.

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