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Writer facers court over naming injunction footballer on Twitter

A JOURNALIST who is a regular on TV could face jail after naming on Twitter the Premier League love rat at the centre of the Imogen Thomas case.
Lawyers acting for the player want Attorney General Dominic Grieve to consider prosecuting the high-profile writer for contempt of court.
If he is prosecuted and found guilty, he faces a jail sentence of up to two years.


In a hearing this week ­the lawyers told Mr Justice ­Tugendhat that the writer had breached the gagging order. in the case. The judge ­accepted their plea to report the matter to the ­Attorney General for consideration.
The journalist – who also cannot be named – said yesterday: “Because it would be contempt of court I think it would be stupid to say anything at all.”
Meanwhile, it was revealed yesterday that former Royal Bank of Scotland chief Fred “The Shred” Goodwin – who also took out a privacy injunction – gave his high-flying mistress a lucrative promotion in the run-up to the bank’s disastrous collapse.

1 comment:

  1. If I were a journalist I'd consider it to be the highlight of my career to be sent to jail for merely telling the truth.

    I'm doing my own bit to help bring down and ridicule this crazy law by re-posting any links I find which name the characters involved.

    There is no democracy or freedom of speech in England.


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