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The Perfect Gift for Mom

First and foremost...Happy Mother's Day.
You would be hard pressed to miss this day. The news is everywhere from TV ads, Newspaper Flyers to retail promotions. The fact is Mother's Days is everywhere. I don't really see how a sale on lawnmowers can be related to Mother's Day, but I digress. It's a whopping great guilt trip if you ask me.
It seems to me like everyone is on a mission to find the perfect Mothers Day gift. It is as if your ability to find the exact present is somehow tied to the love you have for her.
The one that just stings the most is the cards. CARDS! Walking into a card store the first week of May is an assault on the eyes. Pink, purple and yellow for as far as the eye can see. I do not profess to speak for all the Mothers out there, but I can make a fairly educated statement when I say that not all Mothers are enamored with pink. Just saying. I also stand firm in my belief that a Mother's day card, regardless of the sentiment typed inside, should not cost $10. I think that $10 would be better spent by going towards a nice bottle of wine. I guess with the cards you are paying someone to say something to your mother that you either have difficulty expressing or feel guilted into expressing.
Not going to lie, gifts are nice. However, I have been thinking about it recently when my husband asked me what I want for Mother's Day. I don't really want anything. Honestly I don't. Yes, I would like my children to appreciate me. A nice simple gift they could give would be to behave themselves when we are in the presence of others so I would appear to have a slight idea of what I am doing in this messy business of Motherhood. But can you wrap that?
My own Mother is one of the giving people I know. Her selflessness knows no bounds. This year, I had my children pick out small tokens for Grandma to wrap up. What did I do? I wrote my Mother a letter. In the letter I told her all the things that I should have said over the past year (and otherwise) but never did. The hundred million thank yous that I owed her. The thousands of apologies I owed her. There are very few people in this world who will still support you when they don't agree with you. Mothers are those people. Yet, despite the fact that we know all that, I sometimes think we take our mothers for granted. I guess I didn't realise that until I became a mother myself.

From the second children are born, mothers do two things. They love and they worry. They love you so much that they will endure years of sleep deprivation just to make sure you have a good nights sleep. They worry about whether the decisions they make will affect the people we grow up to be. It's endless.
When I wake up on Mother's day, I know that my children will give lots of hugs and messy kisses and tell me they love me. It will take all of my willpower to stay in bed "sleeping in" when I hear them rattling around in the kitchen to make me breakfast no doubt creating an epic mess that will have to be cleaned later. But that's the gift. The frustrations, the worry and all of the struggles Motherhood arrives with is far outweighed by the heaping portion of enduring, sticky love that children give. You definitely can't wrap that.
Again, Happy Mother's Day. Regardless of what you have in store for your Mother this year, make a point of actually telling her what she means to you. It will make the day all the more meaningful to you both.

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