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Bollywood stars overpaid, say WikiLeaks cables

Did you know that the Wikileak cables talk about Bollywood too?

A report in today’s The Hindu says – “Policies and politics, views and vignettes, of governments, parties and individual politicians are not the only fodder for the cables that are routinely sent to Washington by the diplomats of the United States. Their fine-tuned eyes and ears scan much more. One example is Bollywood — the Mumbai-centred Hindi film industry — which they have looked at as thoroughly and professionally as any other issue that matters to U.S. interests. 

American diplomats, the report goes on, are convinced overpaid Bollywood could crash the industry in the long run. Only one in 10 films is commercially successful, leading diplomatic observers to believe that the value of the Mumbai-based industry is “more cultural than economic”.

Wikileaks cables also reveal that the diplomats briefed their bosses in Washington about the industry’s underworld connections, and analysed the failure of some Hollywood-Bollywood joint productions. “The cables also spotlighted how the Indian film world was divided on what Hollywood can bring to their table”. Read the detailed report here

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* I hope fresh lot of actors are paid well: Gurdeep Kohli

* “An essential moment, beyond all the formal planning”

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