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Amar Singh keeps up heat on Bhushans

NEW DELHI: Rajya Sabha MP Amar Singh kept up his attack on Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan, repeating his charge that that the famous father-son legal eagles were guilty of double standards.

In his fresh blog, the expelled SP leader alleged that Shanti Bhushan was rebuffed by a court when he took a chartered flight to gatecrash a PIL litigation without being engaged by the petitioner.

Though essentially a litany of allegations against Bhushans, the blog brings out Singh's new-found softness for Congress, with the colourful MP cataloguing the actions taken by the ruling party against its leaders facing corruption charges — from the sack and jailing of former telecom minister A Raja to removal of Ashok Chavan as Maharashtra CM to the dismissal of former foreign minister to action against Suresh Kalmadi.

Singh does not confine himself to recent instances, and ventures as far as the 1950s when Lal Bahadur Shastri, then minister for railways, stepped down, taking moral responsibility for a mishap.

BJP leader's resignation from Parliament after his name figured in the Jain Hawala diary is also mentioned, but the focus of the politician who once reveled in his credential as Congress-baiter is clearly on the anti-corruption measures of Sonia Gandhi's outfit.

However, the MP has thrown new acid-tipped barbs at Bhushans as well. In fact, the blog is captioned" Year 2006, Morality and Shanti Bhushan" — a not-so-subtle reference to the year when the celebrated lawyer allegedly told Mulayam Singh that his son Prashant could manage a matter in court for Rs 4 crore and, also, when he travelled in a plane chartered by Samajwadi Party to argue for the party for Rs 50 lakh.

Singh, who had earlier derided Bhushans as PIL-sniffers, said in one case arising from a PIL filed by Prashant Bhushan, Bhushan Sr appeared for the opposite side.

Referring to how Shanti Bhushan and his younger son Jayant got farmland at concessional rates, thanks to a non-transparent scheme with a built-in provision to play favourites, Singh bluntly wrote that the two plots were Mayawati's gifts to the lawyer duo.

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