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The Dirty Lowdown...

I attended a Wealth Creation meeting hosted by two businesswomen. They gave fascinating tidbits of financial information not many people are aware of. One of the two women wanted me to help with the promoting.

So I asked her, "Have your ever been in trouble with the Law?"

She was astonished as to why I would ask such a personal question. And she thought what does any of this have to do with her seminar?

I replied, "People want to know who you are. The real you. Not only the nice things you want them to know about, or the reasons you do what you do, but the genuine person behind those nice things."

In today's business climate, we have so many self-proclaimed experts who claim you can get rich if you buy their program that people are getting skewered. They don't know who or what to believe anymore. And they are more skeptical than ever.

To combat this skepticism, you've got to be real with people...


Which is as hard as pulling teeth for most people because they've been programmed to only show their good side: The flawless angel touched by God that can do no wrong.

But that's why this method is losing steam...

We have thousands of archangels parading their perfect stories around the country. And ten times more affiliate angels earning their halos through these same type stories. But if each one has done everything right and have always gotten great results—why are there so many used angels?

To relate with today's savvier audience, you include facts you may not be proud of. You reveal personal flaws you've buried for years. And you expose some of your vulnerabilities.

Because in the real world, there are no perfect people. And anyone portrayed as such is not totally believable.

If you reveal a flaw, your audience will connect with you on a deeper level. A new tier of trust develops. And what you say will carry more weight.

They want to know you've had struggles, trials by fire, and even contemplated quitting just like they've had. They want to know you've had doubts and fears. They want to be touched by your pain. In short—they want to know if you're as human as they are.

If you told them you've never made mistakes, you've never had enemies, and everything you've touched turns to gold—they're going to puke. It's too fairytale. You've place an invisible wall between you and your audience. And you may never hear from them again.

So she cooperated...

She gave me some juicy details from her past. It was downright delicious. She was a naughty little she-devil. You could never tell by looking at her today.

Now I had something to work with. I portrayed her as a rebel, which worked well with the seminar she was promoting. If I billed her as a Princess Diana clone, it wouldn't have worked as well.

Ask yourself...

If you're a speaker, author, consultant, or coach—how are you being portrayed? What makes you stand out from the crowded pool of your competitors? What makes you original?

Why would anyone pay to see you? Why would anyone hire you? Or buy your products or services? Or mention you to their friends or peers?

Sometimes you need to tell the dirty lowdown... the skinny on the real you. Or declare something unique that sets you apart from the pack. And exposing that you're human will shortcut that process.

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